This past week my little girl turned 6. She anticipated her big day with such joy and excitement while I had the "Mommy syndrome". I anticipated it and dreaded it. Six. Already. Where did the time go? Did I miss something? Why didn't I keep track of all the little bits of life that were now vague memories?

The morning of her birthday I sat in a quiet house day dreaming about this little baby who moments ago was pleading "Hold you" with her little arms outstretched...
of this little 3 year old princess waiting in the window for her Daddy Prince...
of this little 4 year old pushing her little wooden stroller around with her Bear Bear...

of this little 5 year old gracefully dancing in the sand...

I thought of moments from day one in China when my new little daughter crawled into my lap and tried to snuggle in a close as she could get wanting to stay there for hours. The little baby girl grew, the crawls turned to unsteady walks, to playful walks to jumps, skips and runs but always she still climbed into my lap and cuddled up as close as possible. Now, I sat wondered if 6 was that age of no more cuddles. I wondered if it would be the time of the independence I wanted for her.
And then, quietly appearing in the door was my GracieGirl with tossled morning hair hair, her blankly and a half smile. I looked at and whispered "Happy Birthday" and then in a flash my 6 year old girl skipped across the room and fell into my lap and snuggled in as close as she could and we sat for a long time...with smiles...

Yes, I miss the little chubby cheeks, wobbly steps and little feet but I LOVE my 6 year beautiful girl who is independent, smart, funny, full of compassion, laughter, mischief and passions. She is growing her own wings. But I have a feeling she will find her way to her mom for a cuddle for some time to come. How luck am I!