I was wrong. We moved north instead of south and are adjusting to life in the very big city. Years ago, this sudden change in paths would've been a little more difficult to take. Now, I am getting pretty used to this and enjoying the challenge of adapting. And it is a challenge. This time last year, we were living on an acre of beautiful tropical Caribbean land covered with fruit trees, flowers, a refreshing clear pool that reflected the blue sky and a beach that bordered our yard and the crystal waters of the Caribbean. Our little slice of paradise didn't come without its other little wonders- bird-size mosquitoes, crabs that on some days looked like a Biblical plaque had struck our backyard and bucket downpours, and nasty centipedes. But all in all, a nice slice just the same. Today, it is a very cool rainy day here in Brooklyn (unlike the heat we have had over the past few weeks that reminded me of Grenada without the benefit of a pool) and I am listening to the rain and the busy streets below while cozy on my couch waiting for my morning cup of warmth to be ready. Hmmmm. Life is indeed quite different here. Being "different" always gets a bad wrap. Different isn't bad. Different gives life variety, dimension, adventure...differences in people, places, beliefs, cultures give opportunities for growth.
So, this morning I am thinking about how different life is from a year ago. Our place here is a quarter of the size of our home in Grenada, we have no yard, pool, or beach and the sounds each evening are not crickets and waves crashing on the beach. Instead, we live in an small apartment in a beautiful brownstone that's windows give view to a beautiful stone church that stretches far above the height of our brownstone. I have freshly picked flowers from a nearby flower stand scattered about our little place and one very happy basil plant to bring a little green to our home. The sounds that great us each morning are the sounds of children on their way to the little private school beside the church, dogs barking and greeting one another on the streets while they walked from hydrant to patch of earth to hydrant doing their business, cars coming and going honking their disapproval of other drivers and people talking, laughing, yelling and sharing bits of their stories that waft in through our windows. Instead of waiting for a boat or plane to bring in fresh produce and goodies from the mainland to stock pile our pantries and fridge with we walk daily to several small markets and collect only what we need for the day or two at most. Instead of scuba diving, swimming and hiking we are spending our time in book shops, restaurants, and parks, scooter outings to wherever the sidewalks take us, explorations of the city, and weekend road trip escapes to the great green beyond. Instead of rough roading on the left hand side of the road we are catching subways and cabs and walking a lot.
Different isn't bad. Sure, I miss many aspects of our little life in the islands and our life in England, but there are also things that remain the same- things that never changed and then those things that we learned from each different experience. These things that are gifts really. I am living in a very busy, fast paced life in a the busiest city on earth and I am still proudly and happily living with an island mindset. I have slowed down, I am enjoying the walk not just hurrying to reach the destination, and I am a lot less worried than I was 3 years ago. I see people everyday yelling at one another, honking their horns, cursing, and not having the time of day for each other. They need a little break. They need a year in the islands to readjust their compass.
So we hold on to what we experienced through what we have learned from it and who we choose to be because of it and we go forward ready to learn some more, ready to evolve some more into who we are meant to be...
For now, I am enjoying this cool city morning, rain and traffic sounds pouring through my window while my little daughter still snuggled in bed sleeps soundly. Some things never change.
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