Monday, September 13, 2010

What Have I Been Doing Lately?

It has been a sad two weeks since my last post. Here is a problem I have discovered I have. I write blog entries all day in my head and then come to the end of the day and they have disappeared or I have half completed posts hanging out in my edit/publish box. I am getting my act together one week at a time. So, the plan is to get back to this blog....on a daily basis.

Here is another reason I have been absent lately. I started another blog. Right. I know. I am not even hanging out her on a regular basis. What business do I have opening another blank space in the blogosphere? Well, stay with me. It is an "organize me in 1 year" challenge. Taking one week at a time and completing a list of challenges in a book my friend and I happened upon at the same time (but not together). We both purchased the book and it gathered a smidge of dust waiting for this revelation. So revelation happened and Mel and I created a blog following the book. It's simple. Every new we tackle that week's challenges and blog about it. The book is great. Organize Now is written by Jennifer Ford Berry. It gives 52 weeks of step by step challenges to get your life in order from your mind to the farthest reaches of your life including that corner of the house you don't go anymore, because it is just that embarrassing that you blush when it is just you in the room. I actually make a guttural sigh when I walk by the forbidden spot in my house. I am making it right now just thinking about it.

So, here it is. Our website. You can also learn more about the book and buy it if you would like. We would love to have your support - comments, encouragement and becoming a follower. This next week, we are inviting our blog friends to join us on Fridays for the Clutter Challenge. I will post more about it lately, but my sweet girl just rolled out of bed and I have breakfast and a day to get to.

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