Saturday, March 9, 2013

July 26th: THE Red Couch and Other Crazy Ideas...

It is a great idea. I love the couch. I love the couch pictures. They are infamous amidst the Chinese Adoption community. A few of these infamous pictures are perfectly crafted with 5-10 beautiful sweet babies sitting happily on a deep red couch posing for the camera and smiling from cheek to cheek. The rest of the pictures look something like....this....

Now, don't get me wrong. I am a BIG supporter of the red couch picture. It is tradition. It is perfectly lovely no matter how many sweeties are on that couch and no matter if it is all smiles or if it outright rebellion with tears ensuing. I am a supporter because it is a beautiful little reminder of the precious little ones who have entered our lives and it is a bit of a final celebration...a close to a very special time...a coming together...oh yes, and it is funny. It is funny to watch and participate in attempting to get a group of babies to happily pose for a picture. How fun is it to watch daddies dance about to induce laughter from their little ones while moms try to keep them looking in the right direction. It's just good crazy chaos that I wouldn't trade for anything.

And while the crazy chaos is fun, I think we came away with a few probably has more to do with the beautiful group of girls in these pictures...of course, I am partial. Very proudly partial.

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