Our day started out a little rough here. G-bug was very tired and a little blue. When she is tired things aren't right in the world. So, when I asked her to clean her room before we started school while I did my own list of tasks I went rather...well, she wasn't interested in it. Sometimes, you have to make the call. You know the one. It is when you decide that it's best to let something go. We decided to switch it up a bit. I set aside my lists of must do's and headed for her room. I put on our favorite kid-friendly tunes by John Lithgow (yes, Lithgow) and we started to clean and organize together....And when our favorite song began to play, my daughter said, "hey Mom, it's our song." I set down the handful of stuff and we danced our silly dance all over the room into the livingroom. It was so fun we danced for the next several songs until we crashed from exhaustion. Somewhere in all that fun the room got cleaned and a tired little girl with the grumps turned into...well, into the little girl I know so well. Our day? Much better. My list? I am getting to it. But really, when I look back on this moment I am going to be pretty glad I let go and enjoyed the little moments....