I love bags. A lot. I don't love big price tags. I have so many bags I have collected over the years. You would think I had every bag I ever needed. I do. But, want is a different matter entirely. I want a bag for my camera that is for those outings where my uber cool sporty practical bag doesn't really fit in. I have been following the price tags of several beauties with no $ reduction in sight. I thought I would share them for mutual drooling and of course, your opinions.
First up, jill-e bag.

The Kelly Moore Camera Handbag. This one is also lovely. A friend has this one and so I have actually seen this one in person. Soft, comfortable and obviously made to match its pricey tag. So lovely.

1 comment:
I absolutely LOVE this idea! Maybe you can do one for me next! A new business venture in the works...
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