Oh, Guangzhou. We have missed you. We arrive to Guanzhou late in the evening after an interesting flight from Changsha. Our tickets for the flight had our families and children scattered throughout the plane. The dads played a game of rummy with the tickets attempting to get some tickets somewhat near each other.
We arrive at the White Swan on the Shamian Island, a adoption friendly little island where adoptive families stay, complete their paperwork and doctor's visit and eat at the best Thai restaurant anywhere outside of Thailand (and Mee Thai in Brooklyn) and Lucy's, a place for all things considered stereotypically American. And of course, shop - shop at about 20 different shops stuffed with squeeky shoes, faux hangbags, baby clothes, artwork, and trinkets for baby and mama.
Beautiful gardens of flowers, ornamental bushes, fountains, and statues of children grace the islands center thoroughfare where couples pose for pictures and children play among the statues and fountains. It is a beautiful place to enjoy for a few days with our little ones.
The White Swan looks exactly like it did 7 years ago with ornate jade carvings and statues decorating the lobbies that surround a waterfall oasis in its center. The Matel baby playroom designed for adoptive families is filled with a few less little ones as adoption isn't as frequently filling the hotel. It is beautiful here. I am reminded of that as we guide our sleepy little group of travelers to our new rooms. Our travel group is spread about on two different floors and the days of hanging out with our room doors open and our girls in their own room is over. We fall into bed with Jason and Maggie's newsletter reporting all the appointments for the following day. Pictures for their visas and a visit to the health clinic promise to make for a long morning.
But for tonight, we rest in our new home for 4 days. I am happy to be here. And sad. I already miss the time in my daughters' province. But I am looking forward to strolling my way to that delicious Thai cuisine down the avenue.
Emma sleeps softly in her new crib. Another change in environment and surroundings. But the important part remains the same...her family. And tomorrow morning, we will return to our routine of a hot bottle and a quiet cuddle with a new view of a new place.
Goodnight from Guanzhou.
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