Our first stop takes us to the temple where prayers are being given up throughout.

A monk offers up a prayer on behalf of the children. Emma, like every day, sleeps most of the time with little bits awake for a bottle or a bit of reassurance.

The heat is sweltering and Emma doesn't respond well to it. The baby ergo is set aside and the stroller we purchased earlier in one of the many baby friendly shops on Shamian Island is a welcomed help.

We move from exhibit to exhibit taking in the intricate craftsmanship from carvings to paintings to silk embroidery and then we stop and rest by the giant fans and again under trees that bring a welcomed shade.

The heat exhausts us all and I am ready to get Emma back to the hotel for a quiet rest this afternoon while the girls swim with Audrey and Rose. As I have been everyday, I am grateful for my sweet sister and cousin.
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